ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Open end spinning

Okay kiddo, so have you noticed yarn that's really fluffy and doesn't look like it's made up of individual strands? That's called "open end spinning"!

When you make yarn using open end spinning, you take short fibers of wool or other materials and mix them all up together. Then, you feed them into a machine called a "rotor spinning frame". The machine spins the fibers around and around super quick, and as it's spinning it creates a little tube of yarn that comes out the side.

The cool thing about this method is that it's really fast and efficient - you can make a lot of yarn quickly! But the downside is that the yarn ends up being not as strong as other kinds of yarn, because the fibers aren't as tightly twisted together. That's why you'll sometimes see open end spun yarns mixed with other types of yarns to make them stronger.

So that's open end spinning in a nutshell - when you take short fibers and spin them super quick in a machine to create fluffy, not-so-strong yarn!