ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Opennotes is a way for people to read what their doctors write down during their appointments. Sometimes, doctors write things down in a special note, and these notes are usually kept secret from patients. But with opennotes, patients can see these notes too! It's like being able to read a secret diary, but for your health.

Doctors write notes to help them remember important information about their patients. They might write down things like what symptoms the patient has, what medicines they take, or what the doctor thinks might be causing the problem. By reading these notes, patients can get a better idea of what's going on with their health and can ask their doctor questions about it.

But opennotes isn't just for patients. It's also for doctors, too! Doctors can use opennotes to make sure they're communicating clearly with their patients. When doctors know that their notes are going to be read by their patients, they may write in a way that's easier for patients to understand. That way, patients can be more involved in their own care and can make better health decisions.

So, opennotes is really just a way for people to be more involved in their own healthcare. It's like having a secret codebook that helps you unlock important information about your health.