ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Achse

Okay kiddo, so Operation Achse was a plan that some people made during a time called World War II. During the war, many countries were fighting against each other and some people in Germany wanted to take over some other countries that were close by.

So they came up with a plan called Operation Achse, which means "axis" in German. They wanted to make their own group of countries that would work together and help each other out.

The plan was to take over Italy, who was already fighting in the war, and then move on to take over a bunch of other countries too. They thought this would help them win the war and make their own group of powerful countries.

But, thankfully, the plan didn't work out and the other countries were able to stop them from taking over. It was a scary time, but in the end, the good guys won and the bad guys didn't get what they wanted.