ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Jericho

Okay kiddo, so Operation Jericho was like a really big game of hide-and-seek, but with airplanes and bombs. Remember how in hide-and-seek, you and your friends hide and try not to be found by the seeker? Well, in Operation Jericho, one group of people were hiding in a prison, and another group of people were trying to find them so they could help them escape.

But here's the tricky part, the prison was really far away, and there were people called Nazis who were guarding the prison and making sure nobody escaped. The people who wanted to help the ones in the prison had to come up with a plan to distract the Nazis and give the prisoners a chance to get away.

That's where the airplanes and bombs come in. The helpers came flying in with some planes and they dropped bombs on the prison and the surrounding area. This caused a lot of noise and chaos which distracted the Nazis and gave the prisoners a chance to escape.

It was a really dangerous mission, but the helpers managed to help over a hundred prisoners escape! They were like superheroes, but instead of capes and masks, they had planes and bombs. And that's the story of Operation Jericho!