ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Operation Tannenberg

Okay, so imagine you're in a big group of kids playing tag. And there's another big group of kids playing tag too, but they're on the other side of the playground. One day, some grown-ups come and tell your group of kids that they have to take all the tags from the other group of kids.

So, the grown-ups give your group of kids a plan, called Operation Tannenberg. The plan says that you have to sneak up on the other group of kids while they're not looking and tag them all before they even realize what's happening.

To make sure the plan works, the grown-ups give your group of kids some special tools, like walkie-talkies and maps. They also tell you to be very quiet and move very slowly so you don't give away your position.

When the big day comes, you and your group of kids put the plan into action. You sneak up on the other group of kids and start tagging them all, one by one. They're so surprised they don't even know what's happening!

Finally, you've tagged all the other kids and the grown-ups come over to congratulate you. They tell you that your plan, Operation Tannenberg, was a huge success!