ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Optimal foraging theory

Optimal foraging theory is a way of thinking about how animals look for and choose food. Imagine you are a bird and you live in a forest. You need to find food to survive. But you can't just eat anything you see because you might get eaten yourself or use too much energy looking for food. You need to find the best food that gives you the most energy for the least amount of work.

Optimal foraging theory helps animals like you choose which food to eat by thinking about the energy it takes to get the food, the amount of energy the food gives you, and whether there are any risks involved in getting it.

For example, you might have the choice to eat a small berry that's easy to find or a larger but harder to find and catch insect. Because the insect has more energy than the berry, it is a better option. But maybe the insect is really hard to find and catch, so you would use more energy than you would gain by eating it. In that case, the berry would be the better option.

So, as a bird, you need to make choices based on the energy you'll gain from the food and how hard it is to find and catch. Optimal foraging theory helps you make those choices in a way that keeps you alive and healthy.