ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Optimization (computer science)

Optimization is when we try to find the best possible solution to a problem using a computer. Think of it like trying to find the best way to get to the park. We might have to try different routes and see which one is the fastest or the easiest.

In computer science, we use a similar process. We have a problem we want to solve, like trying to pack as many boxes as possible into a truck. We might have certain rules, like the boxes can't be too heavy or they can't be stacked too high.

To optimize this problem, we use algorithms, which are like step-by-step instructions for the computer. These algorithms help the computer figure out the best way to pack the boxes based on the rules we gave it.

We can also use optimization to make programs run faster or use less memory. This is important because the faster and more efficient a program is, the better it works for us.

Overall, optimization is like trying to find the best possible outcome using the information and rules we have. We use computers and algorithms to help us achieve this goal.