ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Options counseling

Okay buddy, do you know what options are? They are like choices or things you can do when you have a decision to make. So, options counseling is when someone helps you figure out all the different choices you have when you are making a big decision, like about your medical health or pregnancy.

Let's say you have to make a decision about your pregnancy, like what kind of birth you want to have or if you want to give your baby up for adoption. Options counseling helps you figure out all the choices you have and what might be best for you and your family.

The person doing the counseling will listen to you and help you explore all the different options you have. They won't tell you what to do or make the decision for you, but they will give you all the information you need to make the best choice for you.

So, it's like having a really helpful friend who helps you look at all your options and makes sure you understand them all. Does that make sense, little one?