ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orbital magnetization

You know how sometimes when you're playing with legos or blocks, you can stack them up in a really cool pattern? Well, imagine there are tiny blocks all around us, but they're way too small for us to see. These tiny blocks are called atoms and they're what everything is made of, like the air we breathe and the toys we play with.

Now, these atoms have some special things inside of them called electrons, which spin around the atom like a little toy top. Just like when you twirl a top, the electrons also make a magnet. This magnet is called orbital magnetization.

The electrons that make up the magnet are spinning around the center of the atom in a special way, and this spinning creates a tiny magnetic field. It's like having a bunch of tiny toy tops that are all magnetic and spinning at the same time.

Now, scientists can measure this magnetism and use it to learn more about these tiny atoms and the things they make up. They can also use it to make really cool technologies like MRI machines that help doctors look inside people's bodies to see what's going on.

So, long story short, orbital magnetization is like a tiny magnet that atoms make because of their spinning electrons, and scientists use it to learn about atoms and make cool technologies.