ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Orcus is a big space rock, kind of like a really big rock from space that's very, very far away from Earth. Scientists call it a "trans-Neptunian object" because it's beyond Neptune, which is the farthest planet from the sun in our solar system. Orcus is about the same size as another space rock called Pluto, which used to be called a planet but is now considered a "dwarf planet."

Orcus is named after a god from Roman mythology who was in charge of punishing bad people in the afterlife. Scientists named it that because they thought it seemed dark and scary, like something that might be in charge of punishment. They found Orcus in 2004 using special telescopes that can spot things really far away in space.

Scientists think that Orcus might have a big moon, kind of like how Earth has a moon. They're not exactly sure yet though, because Orcus is so far away and it's hard to see things that small from Earth. But if they find out for sure that Orcus has a moon, they'll be able to learn even more about it and how it got where it is.
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