ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Order of Friars Minor

The Order of Friars Minor is a group of religious men who have dedicated their lives to serving God and helping others. They are often called Franciscans, after their founder, St. Francis of Assisi.

Just like how people have different jobs or roles in a family, there are different types of Franciscans. Some of them are priests who celebrate Mass and offer other sacraments to help people grow in their faith. Others focus on helping people who are poor or sick, by providing food or medicine. Some Franciscans are teachers or scholars, who spend their time studying and sharing what they learn with others.

Franciscans dress simply, wearing brown robes and sandals, and they work together in communities called friaries. They wake up early in the morning to pray and often spend a lot of time in silence and solitude to help them grow closer to God. They also work hard, doing what needs to be done to help others and support their community.

So, if you see a group of men in brown robes and sandals, living and working together, they might be Franciscans – members of the Order of Friars Minor – who have dedicated their lives to serving God and others.