ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Order of precedence in England and Wales

Okay kiddo, so order of precedence in England and Wales is like a list of who gets to stand in front of who at really important events like royal weddings or state dinners.

At the top of the list is the reigning monarch, who is the king or queen. They get to be first in everything because they are the ruler of the country. Then come the royal family members in order of their bloodline to the throne. So, if the queen's eldest son becomes king, his kids will be next on the list.

After the royal family, we have important members of the government and religious leaders. The Prime Minister and other high-ranking politicians are next in line. Then, come the archbishops and bishops from the Church of England.

Below them are people like judges, ambassadors, and mayors. They are all important people but don't typically get invited to sit with the royal family.

Lastly, we have regular folks like you and me. We don't really have a place on the order of precedence because we are not important enough for these events.

Overall, the order of precedence is just a fancy way to show respect to people based on their status or position. But remember, everyone is important in their own way!