ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orders of precedence in the United Kingdom

Okay, imagine you are at a big party and there are lots of people there. Some people are more important than others and have different roles. The orders of precedence in the United Kingdom is just like that, but for important people in the government and royal family.

At the top of the list is the monarch, who is the queen or king. They are the most important person in the country. Next comes the royal family, like princes and princesses. They are important too, but not as much as the monarch.

Then there are other important people, like government officials and diplomats. They have different rankings depending on their job and how high up they are in the government or diplomatic service. For example, the Prime Minister is very important and has a higher ranking than other government ministers.

When these important people all get together, they have to follow a certain order. The monarch is always at the top, and then everyone else follows based on their ranking. This helps everyone know who they should listen to and who should be listened to first.

So think of it like a party where everyone has a certain job and importance. And just like at a party, it's important to know who the most important people are so you can show respect and courtesy towards them.