ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orders, decorations, and medals of Nazi Germany

Orders, decorations, and medals are like stickers or badges that people can earn if they do something really good or important. In Nazi Germany, there were special stickers and badges that people could earn if they did things that the Nazi leaders thought were important or helpful to their cause.

Orders were the most important kind of badge. These were special prizes that you could only get if you did something really amazing for the Nazis. It was like getting a gold medal at the Olympics, but for supporting the Nazi party instead of sports.

Decorations were like regular badges that were given out to people who did things that the Nazis thought were good. For example, if you did well in school or helped the Nazis in some way, you might get a decoration.

Medals were also like badges, but they were given to people who did things for the Nazis during wartime. If you were a soldier who fought well in battle or did something brave, you might get a medal.

But it's important to remember that the Nazis were very evil and did terrible things. They hurt and killed many people because of their beliefs. So even though these badges and medals might seem important, they represent something very bad and we should never forget the harm that was caused during that time period.