ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Organised persecution of ethnic Germans

Okay, so a long time ago there were some people called Germans who lived in different countries. They looked different than some other people and spoke a different language too. But this is okay because everyone is different, just like how some kids like strawberries and others like apples.

Now, some people got really upset with the Germans because their country did some bad things in the past, like hurting people and starting big wars. These angry people wanted to get back at the Germans for what they did, even though not all Germans were involved in those bad things.

So, they decided to do something really mean and unfair - they started to pick on the Germans who lived in their countries just because they had that background. They called them bad names, took away their houses, and even hurt them just because they were German. This is called organized persecution, which means that many people were working together to hurt the Germans.

This is really not cool, because nobody should be mistreated just because of where they come from or what they look like. It's like if some kids at school only picked on a few other kids because they wore glasses or had a different skin color. That's just not fair or nice.

The good news is that now we know that this kind of behavior is wrong, and we try to treat everyone with kindness and respect no matter where they come from or what they look like.