ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Organization for Transformative Works

Have you ever wanted to play with your toys in a completely different way? Maybe your dolls could be superheroes or your action figures could be part of a circus. That's kind of what the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is all about.

But instead of toys, the OTW is all about fans of books, movies, TV shows, and video games. They think that fans should be able to take the stories they love and make them into something new. This could be through fanfiction, fan art, or even making costumes that look like characters from the story.

The OTW wants to make sure that fans have the freedom to do this without getting in trouble for copyright infringement. They also want to make sure that fan works are respected as a form of creative expression.

The OTW is made up of people from all over the world who work together to protect fan creators. They have lawyers who help them understand and fight against rules that might stop fans from creating their own works.

They also have a database where people can share their fan works with others and connect with other fans. This helps to create a community of people who love the same stories and want to share their creative ideas with others.

So, to sum it all up - the OTW is like a big group of people who want to make sure fans have the freedom to create their own stories and artwork based on the books, movies, TV shows, and games they love. They work together to protect fan creators and create a community where fans can share their works with others.