ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ottoman Greece

Alright, kiddo. So, you know how there are different countries in the world, right? Well, a long time ago, there was this place called Greece. But back then, it was a part of a big empire called the Ottoman Empire.

This means that Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Turks who were in charge of everything. They made the laws, collected taxes, and even decided who could be in charge of stuff.

But even though the Ottomans were in charge, the Greeks still had their own language and culture. They had their own food, music, and stories that they passed down from generation to generation.

Sometimes the Greeks would get upset with the Ottomans because they didn't always agree with their decisions. They wanted to be able to make their own choices but the Ottomans wouldn't let them.

Eventually, the Greeks were able to gain their independence and become their own country. But they still remember their past as a part of the Ottoman Empire and have kept some of their traditions alive today.

So that's the story of Ottoman Greece, the time when Greece was a part of a big empire and had to follow their rules even though they still had their own culture and traditions.