ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ottoman classical music

Ottoman classical music is like a special type of music that was played a long time ago in the Ottoman Empire. This was a really big empire that had a lot of countries in it, including parts of Europe and Asia.

The music is played using instruments that are very different from the ones we have now. For example, instead of guitars or trumpets, they used things like a stringed instrument called a oud, a really big drum called a davul, and a small flute called a ney.

One interesting thing about Ottoman classical music is that it is usually played with a system of notes called maqams. These are like special patterns of notes that the musicians follow to make the music sound really nice.

The music is also often accompanied by singing, but sometimes it is just instrumental, which means there are no words, just music.

Overall, Ottoman classical music is a very unique and special type of music that has been played for hundreds of years, and it is still enjoyed by many people today!