ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oxygen toxicity

Oxygen is a gas that we all need to breathe in order to live. It helps us to take in energy from the food we eat and gets rid of waste from our bodies. However, too much oxygen can sometimes be harmful to our bodies.

Imagine if you were eating candy all day long. Your body might get sick of it and start feeling bad. This is kind of what happens when we breathe in too much oxygen. Our bodies can start to get overwhelmed and have a hard time processing it.

If we breathe in too much oxygen for a long time, oxygen toxicity can occur. This can cause damage to our lungs and other parts of our body. It can make it hard to breathe, cause seizures, or even lead to death.

Oxygen toxicity is most common for people who need to breathe in extra oxygen, like pilots, scuba divers, or people in hospitals. They need to be careful to not breathe in too much oxygen so that they don't experience any harmful effects.

Overall, we need oxygen to live, but too much of it can be harmful. It's important to make sure we are breathing in the right amount of oxygen for our bodies.