ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pünte is a traditional boat that is used by some people who live around the Nile River, which is a really big river in Africa. The boat is made out of wood and is long and flat, kind of like a really skinny and long rectangle.

Pünte is different from other boats because it does not have a motor or a sail to help it move. Instead, it relies on people using long poles to push it along the shallow waters of the river. It's like when you push yourself off the side of a swimming pool with your arms, but the poles are much longer than your arms!

Pünte was used a really long time ago, even before people had engines or other big machines to help them. It's a really special boat because it's been used for many years by many different people, and it's still used today in some parts of Africa. People can use it to carry things like food, water, or even other smaller boats across the river.

So, in summary, pünte is a traditional boat that is powered by people using long poles to push it along the shallow waters of the Nile River.