ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

PEF rock

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a rock before? Well, a pef rock is a special type of rock that has some interesting things inside of it.

You see, scientists use pef rocks to help them learn more about the Earth. These rocks were formed a long, long time ago when magma (really hot liquid rock) flowed under the Earth's surface. As the magma cooled down, it turned into solid rock.

But what's so special about pef rocks is that they have tiny crystals inside of them that help scientists figure out how old they are. These crystals grow in special ways and leave little clues that help scientists determine when they formed.

Pef rocks can also tell us other things, like what type of minerals are in them and what kind of environment they formed in. All of this information helps scientists learn more about the Earth's history and how it has changed over time.

So, even though pef rocks may just look like normal rocks to us, they hold special secrets that can help us understand more about our planet!