ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you are playing a game of hide and seek, and you are the seeker. You want to find the other players who are hiding. But how do you do that when you can't see them?

Your eyes are like cameras that take pictures of everything around you. They help you see things that are far away and things that are close up. But sometimes, your eyes need a little extra help to see things that are really hard to spot.

That's where the POF eye comes in. POF stands for "plastic optical fiber." It's a type of plastic that is really good at carrying light from one place to another.

The POF eye is a special tool that scientists use to help them see things that are too small or too far away for their regular eyes to see. It's like a tiny telescope that can zoom in really close to things so they can take a closer look.

For example, doctors might use a POF eye to look inside your body without cutting you open. They can use it to check if anything is wrong with your organs or bones. Scientists might use a POF eye to look at tiny cells to study how they work.

So the POF eye is like a special helper for your eyes that helps you see things that you might not be able to see otherwise.