ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy camera called pxl-2000. This camera is very special because it is not like other cameras that print out photos right away. pxl-2000 does not print out photos, it actually records moving pictures.

But wait there's more! pxl-2000 is also different from other cameras because it can only record videos in black and white. That means everything you record will be in shades of black, grey and white, just like a zebra.

How does pxl-2000 do that? Well, instead of using normal film or SD cards like most cameras, pxl-2000 uses special tapes that look like tiny cassettes. These tapes help pxl-2000 record moving pictures one small dot at a time.

When you play back the video you recorded, the pictures will look grainy and blurry. That's because pxl-2000 was made back in the day: a long time ago when technology was not as advanced as it is now. But some people think the grainy, blurry look is really cool and use it to make artsy videos.

So, there you go, kiddo. That's what pxl-2000 is and how it works. It's like a toy camera that records special black and white videos on tiny tapes that look like cassettes.