ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Paṭṭhāna is a big big book in the Buddhist religion. It teaches people how everything in our world is related and connected together. Think of it like a big puzzle with lots of different pieces that fit together perfectly.

For example, imagine you have a toy car. There are many things that connect and make that car work, like the wheels, the engine, the steering wheel, and the gas pedal. All those things work together to make the car go vroom vroom.

Well, Paṭṭhāna is kind of like that. It shows how everything in our world works together like the pieces of a puzzle. But instead of talking about toy cars, it talks about things like thoughts, feelings, and actions. It shows how all these things relate to each other and how they make up who we are.

Overall, Paṭṭhāna helps people understand how everything is connected in their lives and how they can make changes to be happier and kinder to themselves and others.