ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pablo Dreyfus

Pablo Dreyfus is a person, just like how you and I are people. However, he is famous for being really smart and doing important things.

Mr. Dreyfus is from a country called Argentina. It's really far away from where we live!

He likes to help people in the world who don't have a lot of power or money. He wants to make their lives better.

One of the things he does is help countries that have a lot of trash. Sometimes, when people throw away too much stuff, it can cause problems for the environment. So, Mr. Dreyfus helps these countries find ways to get rid of their trash safely so it doesn't hurt the earth.

Another thing he does is help people who have a hard time getting good healthcare. He wants everyone to have access to doctors and medicine.

Overall, Mr. Dreyfus is a really kind and helpful person who wants to make the world a better place.