ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Padmasana (shrine)

Padmasana is like a special kind of chair that is used in a holy place called a shrine. It is a way to sit in a peaceful and quiet way that helps people focus their minds and their thoughts. Like when you want to concentrate really hard on something, you might say, "Shh, I need to think." Padmasana is kind of like that, but for meditation and prayer.

When you sit in padmasana, you sit with your legs crossed and your feet resting on your thighs. This makes your body feel cozy and secure, like it's being hugged by your legs. It also helps keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed, so you can breathe deeply and calmly.

People sit in padmasana to connect with their faith, to reflect on their lives and their actions, and to find peace in their minds and hearts. Sometimes they may repeat certain words or phrases, or they may just focus on their breath and let their thoughts come and go.

In the shrine, padmasana may be placed on a special mat or cushion to make it even more comfortable. It can be a beautiful and peaceful space, decorated with special objects and symbols that represent the beliefs of the people who use it.

So, padmasana is like a special chair that people use in a sacred place to help them meditate and pray. It helps them feel calm, centered, and connected to their faith.
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