ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pajubá is a secret language or a secret code that some people use in Brazil. It's a way to communicate with others without everyone understanding what they're saying. It's like playing a secret game with your friends.

The language mostly uses words that are not commonly used in Portuguese, the official language of Brazil. These words and expressions often refer to LGBTQ+ culture, drag queen art, and other underground subcultures.

Pajubá is used as a form of protection, as LGBTQ+ individuals can use it to communicate with each other in public spaces where they may feel unsafe or uncomfortable. By speaking in Pajubá, they can identify friends and allies and avoid discrimination or violence.

Pajubá is also an important cultural expression that celebrates diversity and challenges heteronormative norms. It's a way for the LGBTQ+ community to express themselves freely and communicate without fear of judgment.

Overall, Pajubá is like a secret language that only some people are allowed to speak, and it helps them protect themselves and celebrate their differences.