A palindromic number is like a word that you can read the same way from both sides. For example, the word "racecar" is the same word when you read it forwards or backwards. The same thing can happen with numbers. If you have a number that is the same number when you read it forwards or backwards, it is a palindromic number.
Let's look at an example. The number 121 is a palindromic number because you can read it the same way from both sides. The first digit is 1, the middle digit is also 1, and the last digit is 1. When you read it backwards, it is still 121.
Some other examples of palindromic numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and so on. As long as the number reads the same way forwards as backwards, it is a palindromic number.
Palindromic numbers can be found in many places, like on clocks or in math problems, and they are fun to look for. So the next time you see a number, see if it is a palindromic number!