ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Panchatattva (Tantra)

Panchatattva is a special practice in tantra that involves five elements. These elements are represented by five symbols or icons, which are often used in tantric rituals.

The first symbol is "baṇa" or "arrow." This represents the male energy or Shiva. The second symbol is "mudrā" or "hand gesture." This represents the female energy or Shakti. The third symbol is "maṇḍala" or "sacred circle." This represents the space in which the energy of Shiva and Shakti can manifest. The fourth symbol is "bhūta Śuddhi" or "elemental purification." This represents the purification of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) within the practitioner. The fifth symbol is "rakta" or "sacred fluid." This represents the idea that all things are interconnected and that the practitioner is part of a larger whole.

In simpler terms, panchatattva is a special practice in tantra that involves five symbols or icons that represent male and female energies, the space in which they can manifest, the purification of the five elements, and interconnectedness with everything in the universe. It's like a special type of meditation that helps practitioners connect with their energy and the energy around them.