ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pannonian Avars

The Pannonian Avars were a group of people who lived a long time ago in a place called Pannonia. Pannonia is now part of Europe, but back then it was kind of like a big playground for a lot of different groups of people. The Avars were a group of people who came from somewhere else, and they were really good at riding horses and fighting.

A long time ago, people didn't really have countries and kingdoms like we do now. Instead, there were lots of different groups of people who lived in different places and had their own languages and ways of doing things. The Avars were one of these groups.

When the Avars came to Pannonia, they started to do things differently than the other people who lived there. They were really good at riding horses and fighting, and they used these skills to take control of a big part of the area. They became very powerful and had a big army that they used to protect themselves and take over other places.

The Avars also had their own language and culture that was different from the other people who lived in the area. They had their own way of dressing and their own religions, which made them stand out even more.

Eventually, the Avars became less powerful and the other people in Pannonia started to take back control. But they left a big mark on the area and the people who lived there. Today, we can learn about the Avars and what they were like by looking at the things they left behind.