ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Papal coronation

A papal coronation is when the head of the Catholic Church, known as the Pope, is officially crowned and put into his position as the leader of the Church. It's like when a king is crowned king in a kingdom.

Before the coronation, the Pope is first elected by a group of religious leaders called cardinals. They meet in a place called the Vatican, which is like a big palace where the Pope lives. Once a new Pope is elected, preparations for the coronation ceremony begin.

The coronation ceremony is held at a special place called St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy. It's a very big and beautiful church with lots of decorations, paintings, and sculptures. People from all over the world come to Rome to see the coronation of the new Pope.

During the coronation ceremony, the new Pope wears special clothes and a tall hat called a tiara, which is a symbol of his authority. He sits on a big chair called the Papal Throne and is presented to the crowd. The Cardinals then place the tiara on the new Pope's head, and he is officially crowned.

After the coronation, the new Pope gives a speech and blessing to the crowd, and everyone cheers and celebrates. From that point on, the new Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church and has the power to make important decisions for the Church.

So, simply put, a papal coronation is when the Pope is crowned and officially becomes the leader of the Catholic Church in a big ceremony with lots of people watching.