ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paradise Regained

Paradise regained is a book that tells a story of a man named Jesus who wanted to show people how to live a happy and perfect life just like how it was in the beginning in a place called paradise.

In the beginning, God made everything perfect and it was called paradise. There was no such thing as sin which means people did not do anything bad. But, then, Eve and Adam disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden fruit, and this caused them to become sinners.

Jesus wanted to teach people how to get back to paradise and this is why he gave his life by dying on the cross. He was hoping that his death would make it possible for people to be perfect and happy again.

This book helps us understand how Jesus gave his life for us, so that we could live in paradise again. It teaches us that if we believe in him, we can have a perfect and happy life once more.