ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paris in the 18th century

Paris is a big city in France, and in the 18th century, things were different than they are today. People had different ways of living, and the city looked different too.

In the 18th century, Paris was known as the "City of Light" because it was a hub for art, culture, and ideas. People from all over Europe came to Paris to study, learn, and see the latest trends.

The city was divided into neighborhoods or "arrondissements," and each had its own unique character. The buildings were usually made of stone, and many had balconies and shutters on the windows. The streets were narrow and winding, and there were no cars, buses, or trains like there are today. People mostly traveled by foot or by horse-drawn carriages.

There were lots of different types of people living in Paris - from rich aristocrats to poor peasants. The rich people lived in grand mansions or "hôtels particuliers" where they would have huge parties and entertain guests with music and dancing.

The poor people, on the other hand, lived in cramped apartments with no indoor plumbing or electricity. They usually had to share a communal water source, which would often get dirty and cause disease.

One of the most famous landmarks in Paris in the 18th century was the Palace of Versailles. It was the home of the King and Queen of France and was decorated with beautiful artwork and luxurious furnishings. The palace was a symbol of the power of the French monarchy and was meant to impress visitors from all over the world.

Overall, Paris in the 18th century was a vibrant, exciting place to be. It was a city of contrasts - where rich and poor, old and new, all mixed together to create a unique and fascinating culture that still influences us today.