ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parry People Movers

Parry people movers are vehicles that are designed to transport people from one place to another. They are used in places like airports, shopping centers, theme parks, and other places where people need a quick and easy way to get around.

Think of it like a big stroller or wagon, but for people instead of babies or toys. It has wheels and a motor to help it move, as well as seats for people to sit on. Most parry people movers are designed to carry several passengers at once, so it can be a great way to travel if you're with a group of people.

Parry people movers are often powered by electricity, which means they're quiet and don't produce harmful fumes. They are also designed to be very safe and have features like seat belts and emergency brakes.

When you see a parry people mover, you can hop on and sit back while it takes you to your destination. It's like being on a mini bus, but with no driver because the vehicle is self-driving. Parry people movers are a great way to get around conveniently and safely.