ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Particle counter

Okay, so think of a particle counter like a magic machine that can count teeny-tiny things that you can’t see with your eyes.

You know how sometimes you can see dust floating in the air when the sunlight shines through a window? Well, those are particles, but most particles are so small that they are invisible to us.

A particle counter uses special sensors and counting methods to accurately detect and count these tiny particles in the air.

It can tell you how many particles are in the air, how big they are and what kind they are.

This is helpful because some particles, like pollen or bacteria, can make people sick or cause allergies, and other particles, like pollution, can be harmful to the environment.

So, by using a particle counter, scientists and other people can keep track of how much of these tiny particles are in the air and take steps to keep them at safe and healthy levels.