ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Party-directed mediation

Do you know what a mediator is? It's like a person who helps two other people who are fighting or disagreeing to talk and find a solution. They help them come up with a plan that they both like.

Now, party-directed mediation is when the two people who are fighting get to choose the rules for how the mediator will help them. It's like they're the bosses of the mediator. The mediator will only do what they are asked to do and will only follow the rules they agreed on.

So, imagine that you and your friend are fighting over a toy. You both want to play with it but you can't agree on who should have it. If you go to a mediator, you can decide what rules the mediator should follow. For example, you might both agree that:

- The mediator should only talk to one person at a time and not interrupt them
- The mediator should only ask questions and not give their opinion
- The mediator should help you both come up with a plan that's fair for both of you

By doing this, you are in control of the mediation process and can make sure that it's fair for both of you. Ultimately, the goal of party-directed mediation is to help you and your friend find a solution that you're both happy with.