ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Passing (juggling)

Passing in juggling is when two or more people work together to throw and catch objects, like balls or clubs. The goal is to keep the objects going back and forth without dropping them.

Imagine you're playing catch with your friend. You throw the ball to them, and they throw it back to you. Passing in juggling is like that, except you're not just playing with one ball, you're playing with multiple balls and multiple people.

Everyone takes turns throwing the balls to each other in a pattern. The pattern can be simple or complex, but the idea is to keep the balls moving without any breaks. This requires good communication between the people passing and a lot of focus and practice.

Passing in juggling can be done with different types of objects, but most commonly it's done with balls or clubs. It's a fun way to challenge yourself and work with others to achieve a common goal.