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Passover songs

Passover is a special time when Jewish people celebrate a very important event that happened a long, long time ago. It all started with a man named Moses who helped his people, the Jews, escape from slavery in Egypt.

During this special time, Jewish families gather around a special dinner table and read from a book called the Haggadah. This book tells the story of Moses and how he led his people to freedom.

Passover songs are special songs that are sung during this celebration. They help to tell the story of Moses and his people. Some of these songs are very old and have been passed down from generation to generation.

One very important song that is sung during Passover is called "Dayenu". This song talks about how grateful the Jewish people are for all the things that God has done for them over the years. Each time the song is repeated, it adds something new that God has done.

Another song that is important during Passover is called "Chad Gadya". This is a very silly song about a little goat that gets eaten by bigger and bigger animals. It might seem like a strange song to sing during such an important celebration, but it actually has a very important message. It reminds people that even when bad things happen, there is still hope for a happy ending.

Passover songs are an important part of the celebration, and they help to keep the traditions and stories alive for future generations. They are also a lot of fun to sing and dance to!