ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Password notification e-mail

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you have to type in a secret word to open your phone or your tablet or your computer? That's called a "password."

When you make a password, you want to make it hard for other people to guess, because you don't want them to look at your things. But sometimes, even if YOU know your password, other people might try to guess it or figure it out some other way.

That's why sometimes, the people who make the thing you're trying to get into will send you an email if somebody tries to guess your password too many times. The email might say something like "Hey, we noticed someone tried to guess your password five times. Was it really you?"

This is like your parent or your teacher checking in with you when they see something that looks a little bit suspicious or dangerous. They want to make sure that you and your stuff are safe, and they're checking in to make sure that everything is okay.

Does that make sense, kiddo?