ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Password synchronization

Password synchronization is a way to make sure that you can use the same password for different accounts on different devices.

Let's say you have a computer and a phone, and you like to use the same password for both devices. But every time you change your password on one device, you have to remember to also change it on the other device. This can be really frustrating and time-consuming.

With password synchronization, you set up a program or service that will automatically keep your passwords consistent. So if you change your password on your phone, the program will automatically change it on your computer as well. This means you don't have to worry about remembering multiple passwords or spending time updating them all.

Think of it like having a personal assistant who makes sure all your passwords are the same, no matter where you access your accounts. It's a simple but valuable tool that can save you time and headaches.