ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patria Grande

"Patria Grande" means "big homeland" in Spanish. It is a term used to describe the concept of unity among the countries of Latin America, which share a common history and culture.

Imagine you and your friends in a big playground. You all come from different families, but you all have so much in common. You play the same games and have the same favorite toys. You also share the same rules and values that your parents taught you.

"Patria Grande" is like that playground. Each country in Latin America is like a family, but all of them share many things, like language, music, food, religion, and history. They also face similar challenges, such as poverty, inequality, corruption, and political instability.

The idea of "Patria Grande" is to overcome these challenges by working together and supporting each other. This means creating strong ties between countries, promoting trade and cultural exchange, and defending common interests and values.

Just like in the playground, "Patria Grande" is a way for Latin American countries to feel stronger and more united, and to achieve greater happiness and prosperity for all their people.