ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pattern calculus

Okay kiddo, let's talk about pattern calculus. Think of pattern calculus like a set of building blocks that we can use to create things with. These building blocks are called patterns, and they are like small pieces of a puzzle that we can put together to make something bigger.

Now, imagine that we have a bunch of different patterns that we can use, and we want to create something new. We can use pattern calculus to combine these patterns in different ways to make something totally unique. It's like playing with Legos or building blocks, but instead of making a tower or a car, we are making something with patterns.

But how do we combine these patterns? Well, pattern calculus has rules that we follow to make sure everything fits together properly. These rules are like a map that tells us how to connect the different patterns in a way that makes sense.

For example, let's say we have a pattern that looks like a square, and another pattern that looks like a triangle. We can use pattern calculus to combine these two patterns in a specific way that creates a new pattern that looks like a house. It's like magic!

Overall, pattern calculus is a really cool way of thinking about patterns and how we can use them to create new things. It's like having a superpower that lets us turn simple shapes into complex structures with just a few simple rules.