ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paul E. Meehl

Paul E. Meehl was a very smart man who studied how we make decisions about things. He believed that people sometimes made their decisions based on their gut feelings or intuition, instead of using facts or information.

He thought this was not good because our intuition could sometimes be wrong, and it could make us miss important information. So, he spent a lot of time studying how we make decisions and came up with some rules that could help us make better decisions.

Meehl also studied how we can measure things, like how happy someone is or how smart someone is. He realized that sometimes people can be biased, which means they have a preference for one thing over another. He made sure to take that into account when measuring things so that we could get accurate results.

Overall, Paul E. Meehl was a very smart man who taught us that we should always use our brains and evidence to make decisions, instead of relying on our gut feelings.