ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paul Jaray

Okay, so there's this guy named Paul Jaray. He was a really smart man who lived a long time ago and he liked to figure out how to make things go really fast. One of the things he figured out was how to design a special kind of shape that would make things go faster and use less gas.

Do you know what a car looks like? It's got four wheels and a body. Well, back then, cars were shaped kind of like a box with wheels. But when Paul Jaray started to design cars, he made them look different. He used his special shape which was called a "teardrop". It was pointy at the front and then got rounder towards the back.

The teardrop shape was really good because it helped the car go faster and use less gas. When a car goes really fast, it creates a lot of wind or air resistance. That means the air pushes back on the car and tries to slow it down. But with the teardrop shape, the air can flow over the car better, which makes it easier to go faster.

Paul Jaray also designed different kinds of airplanes that had the same teardrop shape. He was a really clever man who helped make our cars and planes go faster and use less gas.