ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paul Jones (computer technologist)

Okay kiddo, Paul Jones is what we call a computer technologist. That's a fancy way of saying he's really good with computers and knows how to make them work better.

You know how you have toys that you like to play with and sometimes they break or don't work as well as they used to? Well, computers are kind of like toys for grown-ups, and they can have similar problems. That's where people like Paul Jones come in. They know how to fix those problems so that the computer can keep working like it's supposed to.

But it's not just about fixing computers that are broken. A lot of the time, Paul and other computer technologists work on making new things that we can use on our computers. For example, they might make a new program or app that we can use to play games or do homework.

Basically, their job is to make sure that computers are doing what they're supposed to be doing and to find ways to make them even better. It's a really important job, because we use computers for lots of things these days!