ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paulina Borsook

Paulina Borsook is a person. She is a writer and journalist who writes about technology and the internet. She is very curious and likes to ask a lot of questions to understand things better.

Paulina Borsook has written many things about the internet and how it affects our lives. She talks about how people use the internet to connect with each other and share information. She also talks about how the internet can sometimes be a place where people are not very nice to each other.

One of the things that Paulina Borsook is known for is a book she wrote called "Cyberselfish." In this book, she talks about how some people who work in the technology industry can be selfish and only think about making money. She thinks that technology should be used to make the world a better place for everyone, not just a few rich people.

Paulina Borsook also likes to talk about how people use technology and the internet in their everyday lives. She talks about how people can get addicted to their phones and spend too much time looking at screens instead of doing other things. She also talks about how companies can collect a lot of information about us when we use the internet, and how that can sometimes be a bad thing.

Overall, Paulina Borsook is a writer and journalist who is very interested in technology and the internet. She asks a lot of questions and tries to understand how these things affect our lives. She wants technology to be used for good and not just for making money.