ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Peasants' War (1798)

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there were many people in a place called Germany who were very unhappy. They were called peasants because they were farmers who didn't own their own land, but instead worked for rich and powerful nobles.

These peasants had to pay high taxes that the nobles used to live in luxury while the peasants struggled to make ends meet. They also didn't have much say in their own lives, as the nobles made all the important decisions and the peasants had to do what they were told.

One day, a man named Franz Anton Riesseck started to spread the word of a new way of living that he thought would help the peasants. He said that they should all be equal and have the same rights as the nobles. He also said that they should no longer have to pay such high taxes and that they should be able to make their own decisions.

The peasants liked what he had to say and they started to gather together to protest against the nobles. They would sing songs and wave flags to show their support for Franz Anton Riesseck and his ideas.

But the nobles didn't like this at all. They saw the peasants as beneath them and didn't think they deserved any rights or freedoms. They sent armies to fight against the peasants and stop their protests.

The peasants fought back, but they weren't as well-trained or well-equipped as the armies of the nobles. Many of them were killed or captured, and the revolt eventually ended in defeat.

However, the ideas of Franz Anton Riesseck and the peasants' desire for change didn't go away. They continued to inspire people in the years to come, and eventually helped to bring about some of the changes the peasants were fighting for.