ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Peculiar risk doctrine

The peculiar risk doctrine is a rule that says if someone hires another person to do a job that is unusually dangerous, they are responsible for any harm that is caused by that job, even if the person doing the job was careful.

Imagine your mom asks your big brother to paint your house. If your big brother accidentally drops a paint can and it splatters on your dog, your mom would be responsible for the harm caused to your dog because she hired your big brother to do the job.

Now, let's say instead of painting the house, your big brother was hired to remove asbestos from the walls. Asbestos is a dangerous material that can make people sick if it is not handled properly. If your big brother was careful, but someone still got sick from breathing in the asbestos, your mom would still be responsible for the harm caused because she hired your big brother to do a job that was unusually dangerous.

The peculiar risk doctrine helps make sure that people are held responsible for the risks they create. If someone hires another person to do a job that is dangerous, they need to make sure they are taking all the necessary safety precautions and being careful, so they don't cause harm to anyone else.