ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Peperite is a fancy word that is used to describe a special kind of rock that is made when magma (hot melted rock) comes into contact with water or wet sediment (stuff made up of sand, mud, and bits of rocks).

You know how when you mix oil and water, they don't mix together very well? They separate and make little bubbles and swirls, right? When magma and water/sediment mix, something kind of like that happens. Except instead of just making bubbles, the magma actually breaks up the wet sediment and mixes with it to form a new kind of rock.

Peperite gets its name from the Latin word "piper" which means pepper. This is because the rock has small, round bits that are dark in color, just like pepper! These bits are called clasts, and they are pieces of the wet sediment that got mixed up with the magma.

So, peperite is basically a rock that's made of magma and wet sediment that got mixed together to form a new, speckled rock with small round bits that look like pepper. Cool, huh?