ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings

Okay kiddo, let's talk about periodic points of complex quadratic mappings.

Imagine a fun playground with a set of swings. Each swing has a seat and ropes that are attached to a bar at the top. When you push a swing, it starts to move back and forth, and it eventually comes back to its starting position. This is a periodic motion!

In math, we have something similar called periodic points. They are points that follow a repeating pattern when we apply a certain function to them. A complex quadratic mapping is a type of function that maps each point in the complex plane to another point.

To understand this, let's break it down. The complex plane is like a big grid with two parts – the real part and the imaginary part. The real part is the horizontal axis, and the imaginary part is the vertical axis. A point in the plane is represented by two numbers – its real part and its imaginary part.

A complex quadratic mapping takes these numbers and gives us a new set of numbers as a result. The formula for this mapping is usually written as f(z) = z^2 + c, where z is the complex number we start with, and c is another complex number.

Now, let's think about what happens when we apply this function to a point over and over again. If the point follows a repeating pattern and comes back to its starting position after a certain number of applications of the function, then it's a periodic point. The smallest number of applications it takes for a point to return to its starting position is called the period of the point.

Why do we care about periodic points of complex quadratic mappings? Well, they help us understand the behavior of the mapping as a whole. We can make pictures of the complex plane and color in the points that are periodic with different colors – this gives us a visual representation of the mapping that can tell us a lot about how it behaves.

So there you have it, little one! Periodic points of complex quadratic mappings are just like swings that go back and forth and come back to their starting position. They help us understand these mappings better and make cool pictures of the complex plane!